using System;namespace a{ public abstract class Animal { protected string name; public string Name { get { return name; } set { name=value; } } public Animal() { name="The animal with no name"; } public Animal (string newName) { name=newName; } public void Feed() { Console.WriteLine("{0} has been fed.",name); } }}
using System;namespace a{ public class Chicken:Animal { public void LayEgg() { Console.WriteLine("{0} has laid an egg.",name); } public Chicken(string newName):base(newName) { } }}
using System;namespace a{ public class Cow:Animal { public void Milk() { Console.WriteLine("{0} has been milked.",name); } public Cow(string newName):base(newName) { } }}
using System;using System.Collections;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Text;namespace a{ class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Create an Array type collection of Animal"+"objects and use it:"); Animal[] animalArray=new Animal[2]; Cow myCow1=new Cow("Deirdre"); animalArray[0]=myCow1; animalArray[1]=new Chicken("ken"); foreach(Animal myAnimal in animalArray) { Console.WriteLine("New {0} object added to Array collection,"+"Name={1}",myAnimal.ToString(),myAnimal.Name); } Console.WriteLine("Array collection contains {0} objects.",animalArray.Length); animalArray[0].Feed(); ((Chicken)animalArray[1]).LayEgg(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Create an ArrayList type collection of Animal"+"objects and use it:"); ArrayList animalArrayList=new ArrayList(); Cow myCow2=new Cow("Hayleg"); animalArrayList.Add(myCow2); animalArrayList.Add(new Chicken("Roy")); foreach (Animal myAnimal in animalArrayList) { Console.WriteLine("New {0} object added to ArrayList collection,"+"Name={1}",myAnimal.ToString(),myAnimal.Name); } Console.WriteLine("ArrayList collection contains {0} objects.",animalArrayList.Count); ((Animal)animalArrayList[0]).Feed(); ((Chicken)animalArrayList[1]).LayEgg(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Additional manipulation of ArrayList:"); animalArrayList.RemoveAt(0); ((Animal)animalArrayList[0]).Feed(); animalArrayList.AddRange(animalArray); ((Chicken)animalArrayList[2]).LayEgg(); Console.WriteLine("The animal called {0} is at index {1}.",myCow1.Name,animalArrayList.IndexOf(myCow1)); myCow1.Name="Janice"; Console.WriteLine("The animal is now called {0}.",((Animal)animalArrayList[1]).Name); Console.ReadKey(); } }}